Organized club activities bring together students who wish to utilize their energies constructively. The meaningful interaction, purposeful tasks and achievement of goals contribute towards all-round development The following Clubs are organized in the school

  • Karate
  • Debate
  • vollyball
  • Spoken English
  • Badminton
  • Dance
  • Nature
  • Music
  • Selence
  • Art & Crafts
  • Quiz
  • FirstAid
  • Outreach Programme
  • Chess


The cultural activities at all levels are organized with a view to identify the talents. Almost every student develops the confidence to reach the Centre Stage. In the process they develop initiative, creativity, originality and organizational skills. Participation in cultural activities are compulsory for all students and the parents will have to bear the costs incurred. Request for exemptions will not be entertained.


Physical training ,games and athletics are employed to the best advantage to promote physical development and a healthy spirit of competition. The school provides facilities for games such as Foot- ball, Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Throw ball, ball Minton Chess caram board . While competent staff is always present to give any guidance, the fullest scope is given for initiative and leadership among the students themselves. Training In skills Is imparted during the Physical Education periods Within and outside school hours. Inter-School athletic and sports meets help the students In keeping up their spirit of healthy competition and sportsmanship. Students found talented in sports and other activities should be regular for practices. Irregularity is considered as irresponsible behavior and lack of loyalty to the institution, and will be taken as serious breach of discipline. Sports and games are compulsory and students may have to stay back for practices after class hours

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